Organization is one aspect in life that I cling to for fulfillment of both my free time and my academic ventures. This draft image found online is my imagined visual interpretation of fully accounted, organized thought.
Pushing boundaries
Pushing boundaries both mental and physical is an aspect I strive for in an effort to lead an exciting, experimental life style. Racing formula one cars is what I imagine to be one of the most strenuous and dangerous yet rewarding sports series.
Opportunities for fulfillment
I spend what feels like a majority of my time daydreaming and cataloging my personal ideas for creative ventures across a variety of media. (Digital, sculptural, drawing)
My most pressing imagination of what actual hell on earth is living life as Rodin's Thinker. I spend a lot of time contemplating purely conceptual pieces of artwork and find satisfaction in their realizations, however, remaining in a permanently contemplative state such as this statue is pretty terrifying to me.
Causing harm to others
Life is hard enough as it is. We've all got weird interests that if we took the time to embrace we'd probably lead more personally fulfilling lives. It's ok to have fun but that shouldn't come at the costs of somebody else's happiness or sense of self esteem. Being buddies with people who are a lot different than yourself makes you awesome!
Misrepresenting myself
This image is my imagined representation of rock bottom. If I ever get to a point in my creative career where this kind of work is appealing, I will need to reconsider some things and maybe find a new path.
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