Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Group Field Trip

Field Trip Questions:
1. The most distinguishing feature in the butterfly garden were the butterflies and the vegetation that surrounded them. Everything was so lush and green. The most distinguishing feature by the fine arts buildings were the bricks and design of the buildings as well as the style.
2. The purpose of the butterfly garden is to create a home for the butterflies as well as to educate the public about the importance of butterflies while also creating a beautiful, quiet place where people can go and read. The purpose of the fine arts buildings is to make spaces where students can learn and create things. 
3. THe essential quality of the butterfly garden creates a sense of serenity, reflexion, and peace. The essential quality of the fine arts buildings create a sense of rigidness. 
4. People tend to be calm, still, and observant in the butterfly garden, whereas people tend to be studying or in a hurry by the fine arts buildings.
5. The butterfly garden is psychologically pleasing to people because it is a place where one can be quiet and reflect whereas in the fine arts buildings, people associate them to studying or tests or projects, which creates a lot of stress. Physically, the butterfly garden is this wide, green space that emanates good vibes while the fine arts building are brick, rigid structures. 
6. A "natural place" is a place where there is a lot of vegetation and not man-made. An "Unnatural place" is something synthetic and man made. 

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