Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Poster Websites and Group Activity Instructions

Posters for Group Activity
1. Choose 6 posters from one period (choose one website)
2. Analyze political concept, message and historical background.
3. Analyze visual strategy and style (how many colors are used, lines or forms, images, collages, font, typography?). What is the purpose/goal of the poster? How does the poster convey the message strongly and effectively?
4. Make power point presentation for class (10 minutes) Upload your presentation to blog in PDF format

Group 1: Smithsonian Institution – Posters American Style (1910-1970)

Group 2: Smithsonian Institution – Produce for victory: Posters on the American Home Front (1941-1945)

Group 3: Soviet Era Propaganda Posters (1917- 1950)

Group 4: Decade of Protest: Political Posters (research the United States only) (1965-1975) http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Exhibits/Track16.html 

Group 5: Decade of Protest: Political Posters (research Cuba and Vietnam only) (1965-1975) http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Exhibits/Track16.html

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